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Caldwell, New Jersey

Betty Gloves

Package & Web Design for a conceptual company that sells targeted supplies to the tattooing community.

Project Name

Betty Gloves

Tools Used

InDesign, Photoshop

This started as an exploratory packaging design project for a product that doesn’t exist but should. Three bathing beauties grace these boxes of gloves. When you pop open the box, the bathing suits go missing. We love the idea of seeing these on a shelf and imagining a collection of small awkward moments as they get noticed throughout the day.


When faced with the idea of updating the packaging for gloves, the brainstorming session was one for the ages. After a great deal of conceptual duds, we hit upon an idea that had the right amount of fun and interest, while still working appropriately for the product.

Final thoughts

‍Personal projects are great for the amount of freedom that they allow. We're not sure if we could talk a client into this one, but we love to imagine it on the shelf.