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Caldwell, New Jersey

Loire Cotler: Rhythm Vocalist

Branding, Web Design, & Business Card for Rhythm Vocalist, Loire Cotler

Project Name

Loire Cotler: Rhythm Vocalist

Tools Used

Photoshop, SquareSpace, Hulton Image Archive

When one of the first things a client mentions is that they are really interested in the flight of migrating birds, you know you've got a great project up ahead. Working with Loire is a great joy, as she brings the energy and enthusiasm of her performances to every project we tackle. Starting with a re-organization of her digital needs, we worked to create a strong visual identity for Loire. Whatever approach we took, it needed to resonate with fans, fellow musicians, and potential bookers.


After showing a few ideas to Loire, things started to fall in step with a bold, primary color scheme and the incorporation of her many different influences through digital collage. Throughout the creative pieces, the birds are emphasized, highlighting the pulsation of their wings and an awareness of space.

Final thoughts

In the words of Drew Dix: "Ta Ka Di Mi Doo-dn Be-Op Di Mi Ta Ka thom doom DHUM Jaah nu sah pah…"  

Don't ask. Just listen. Because you have to hear it to believe it. It’s a staccato swing that’s alive – essential and timeless – passionately explored by an artist named for a river that has spawned centuries of accomplishment and creativity.