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Caldwell, New Jersey


Logo & Web Design for Game-Based Experience Lab at William Paterson U

Project Name


Tools Used

Illustrator, Squarespace

A small group of independent researchers at William Paterson University in New Jersey, needed some design work done to help promote their team. The Game-Based Experience Lab focuses on investigations into games, game-like experiences, and play. GBELabs wanted to create a unique identity to encourage new members, research funding, and showcase some of the investigative research.


When starting to prepare ideas for the GBELabs identity, it felt natural to explore within the range of a bright and playful color scheme. From there, we presented ideas that crossed the spectrum of full-on playful to slight suggestions of play/interaction. As a part of the brainstorming process, we started playing around with a minimal presentation of the traditional rubber chicken, which is perhaps one of the more ridiculous inventions of our time. Finding a way to present the chicken in a context that would still feel appropriate for a serious team of researchers was a game in and of itself. Ultimately, it is the option that worked best for the client and we are quite thrilled with it.

Final thoughts

‍It's so satisfying to take a design concept and push it a little bit too far. By encouraging a client to look at the overall tone of what they are doing, we were able to bring out a professional but light-hearted side to this group of independent researchers. It's sure to make a memorable and cohesive presentation at conferences and industry events.