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Caldwell, New Jersey Digital Pieces

Digital pieces for Parentgiving, including work for web & banner ads, landing pages, & social media.

Project Name Digital Pieces

Tools Used

Photoshop, Illustrator

Parentgiving is a client with a unique set of needs. As a company catering to an aging population, extra consideration must be given to create clear and well-communicated creative content. Digital marketing and web design is an on-going project with one of our favorite clients. When we first started working together, we wanted to first start to establish and introduce what was and was not "on brand." As we continue these projects, it's interesting to start to really push these ideas and begin to look at how we can continue to create marketing materials that feel fresh, yet remain cohesive to the established brand.


When working on digital pieces for Parentgiving, we are constantly stepping back and re-evaluating the work. One of the shortcomings of a designer is the tunnel vision that can sometimes occur when you are so focused on the nuances of a project. We are constantly reminding ourselves to step back and ensure that we are beholden to a clear & easy-to-follow hierarchy, and that there is a clear path forward for users.

Final thoughts

‍A digital presence is imperative for any business. With the ease of implementation and the expectation for fresh content, digital pieces can sometimes feel incomplete. This is where an understanding of a strong brand identity can be your greatest ally. Working within the restraint and definition of a strong brand, encourages the creative process while providing a great base to build upon.