Design Manifesto

A collection of ideas about design & its purpose.

I believe…

that design can save money.

that design can alter, interfere with, or present honesty.that design requires thought, curiosity, research, engagement, exploration, and editing.

that it is always the designer’s fault.that designers should not have a recognizable style outside of a style of thinking, and integrity towards concept and client.

that there are three forms of honesty in all design work: honesty to the client (actual and projected image), honesty to the viewer, and honesty to yourself (and the work, as an extension of self).

that there is no such thing as bad information.

that there is such thing as bad design.that there is subjectivity. This is where a strong understanding of all perspectives is necessary.that good design doesn’t have to smell like it.

I believe that using Helvetica condensed with -60 tracking for legal copydoes make it harder to read but actually draws more attention to itself. In the same way that Groucho Marx glasses are a poor disguise.

I don’t yet know if cheap products should be designed well. What are you trying to communicate? Shit design screams ‘affordability’ and is therefore appropriate. I don’t have a good answer to this thought yet. I believe that every person deserves to be exposed to the most honest design possible. The lack of design is a choice too.

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Caldwell, New Jersey